Saturday, April 19, 2008

Epigenetics question #5

How does learning this new information change the way you might look at your future? Explain.

I am going to make better choices about what i eat, and who/what i am around (smokers, cars, pesticides) so that i dont ruin the lives of my grandkids
Epigenetics question #4

What did you learn that might be somewhat frightening to you? Explain.

what scared me was the fact that i could be giving diseases to my grandkids based on what i eat. i think im going to start eating healthier so that that my grandkids don't get diabetes
Epigenetics question #3

What did you find surprising in the video? Explain.

the thing that surprised me the most was if a DNA sequence is deleted on chromosome 15, you can two different diseases (Prader-Willi Syndrome or Angelman Syndrome). I think it is cool that you will get a certain disease based on if the trait came from you mom or dad.

Epigenetics question #2

2. In your own words, thoroughly explain how genes on the DNA can be turned on or off because of epigenetics. Be sure to include what may cause this to happen, specifically how it happens (what is it that changes in the DNA structure), and how this affects the organism (so what if they are turned on or off?—relate it to other things you have learned this year!).

Certain parts of your DNA sequence can be turned on or off because of methyl groups. The DNA parts that are turned off become inactive, almost as if they arent there. these can give you: diabetes, cancer, autism, and other diseases

Epigenetics question #1

1. Compare and contrast genetics and epigenetics.

Genetics are something that is sex linked and passed down from both parents. eye color, hair color, height and weight are all genetic.

Epigenetics are certain sequences of your DNA that can be turned on or off. Autism is epigenetic, so there is no way to get it from your mom or dad. If you are unlucky and get that certain sequence turned on or off, you could get a disease or have different behavior than if everything was just genetic.